AnonOS has been completely rebuilt from scratch, and restructured as Cherimoya here:
The AnonOS Project has now ended. If you want to keep developing as a Fedora-based system, go ahead: Our kickstart scripts are right here.
Anonymous Operating Systems
Based on GNU/Linux
For x86 and ARM architectures
To discuss and help with development, go to our imageboard
NOTICE: Source code can be found here.
The AnonOS Project is a family of Linux liveCDs custom-built for Anonymous, by Anonymous, with all the software they need. More than that, it is to make a kit that will teach newfags everything that has to be known during raids, such as using tools, gathering dox, making programs and generally succeeding in life.
This project will also stretch far beyond Anonymous. Oppressed people need a way to stay safe from tracking and bypass censorship, and our tools may be quite influential in future protests, so we've created a totally legit version, without the auditing tools. (see below in Annonaceae)
With the same tools used to make desktop Linux, we could make a headless p2p content/version update system that utilizes the power of virtual appliances to create a “Load-and-forget” computer network. This could be useful in making a Beowulf computer cluster for large-scale computations, or a truly decentralized Wikileaks mirror system. (see Flavors of L/i/nux, under “Atemoya” for more)
We've written a guide to Anonymous, that we've put here. That will be packaged with all our builds.
First of all, staying anonymous is extremely easy, yet the consequences for failing to maintain it will end in ruined lives. Also, newfags need to learn all the methods that 4chan has used in their assaults, so we do not have to reinvent the wheel every single time. Plus, leaving information, programs and browser history scattered around the computer will be problematic when everything needs to be wiped in less than 30 seconds.
If everything relating to Anonymous was stored in a seperate, bootable drive, the data could be easily taken care of in an instant. With such a kit, newfags would be much safer, more efficient, and will understand the ropes much more quickly.
More can be found at Flavors* Annonaceae is a high-anonymity liveCD. It has TOR, a MAC address randomizer, a hard disk/RAM wiper, a encryption suite, and many other goodies. This is totally legit, no hack tools or whatever.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Anyone who cares about their anonymity.
* Cherimoya, based on Annonaceae, is designed to be a complete kit for Anonymous. It's goals are a high degree of anonymity, security "auditing" programs, and easy tools for making flyers and videos.Cherimoya's goal is to replace as much of Windows as possible.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Anonymous, especially during raids.
* Atemoya (AH-TEH-MOYA) is a virtual machine OS, that can power a headless, decentralized content distribution system.
See more here: Atemoya
What's inside
All distros in the AnonOS family are based on Fedora Linux, due to it's superior configurability, large range of support, and high security compared to Ubuntu. We also decided on Fedora because it uses "kickstart" configuration files to create live media, allowing developers to make the system just by declaring packages and using shell scripts in a tiny text file.
And with kickstarts, custom spins could be built by importing a stable kickstart and adding a few lines. This can provide instant localization when needed, and specific operations could add their own programs when needed.
For more info on kickstarts, and making a liveCD from them, go to developing.
How to help
- If you would like to help develop, go here to start.
- If you find a bug, open a new ticket at the top in "Tickets" and describe your problem.
- If you have any software that you think are good, place a suggestion at Software, and we'll add them in the release.
- We need people to help localize AnonOS. Go to Localization for more info.
On 2011-06-14 18:27:41 UTC anonymous added:
Can I haz continued development?